Due to circumstances beyond our control RCSL is no longer able to offer new ROV Competence Assurance Certification.

All existing certificates can be validated via the validation tool Certificate Validator - Remote Competence Support

admin@remotecompetencesupport.co.uk email address will still be monitored for any additional queries.

Helping you build the right foundation for a successful bid.

ROV operating companies and agencies need to ensure the people working for them have received the necessary training and are deemed competent. A sound risk management strategy must include qualified staff, and for the purpose of insurance, you must be able to prove that crew are competent to fill the role they are employed in.

In a fiercely competitive marketplace, proving the qualifications and experience of your workforce forms a vital foundation for any successful bid. Contracting companies often expect rigorous audits before committing, ensuring that all licences and qualifications are up to date and appropriately verified against IMCA’s standards.

To meet these high expectations, RCSL evaluates ROV pilots against the IMCA competence criteria and verifies the training e-portfolio has been correctly completed by contractors from around the world. Existing competent certifications from companies can be moved across to the RCSL scheme when due for renewal as long as the certificate and recent employment in the ROV industry can be verified.

As evidence that your ROV pilots fully comply with the safety-critical, technical, and operational tasks needed for their function, commissioning organisations accept an RCSL certification, which ensures personnel have met the required competence criteria set by IMCA and is internationally recognised.


Remote Competence Support (RCSL) Ltd IS A SUPPLIER MEMBER OF International Marine Contractors Association. View Certificate here.

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